Links on Bromeliads

Relatives of the pineapple that add glamour to a tropical garden or interior. Many of them in the treetops provide tiny isolated aquatic habitats for a variety of plants and animals.


The Bromeliad Society of South Florida

Many great links from this site - allow plenty of time for browsing. One link, to Uncle Derek's site (not me, by the way), has some fascinating ramifications . is the home page of the Florida Council of Bromeliad Societies. Wander backwards and forwards between these three to your heart's content since they are cross-linked. [Editor's note, 2004 - all now seem to lead to the same starting site]

Bromeliad Society International BSI

This is the parent organisation in the United States, and has an appropriately rich site.

Bromeliad biota Biology

In case the idea of an aquatic world in the treetops is intriguing, this site will introduce you to some of the research that has been done on the subject.

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